If a car backfires and 3 people are injured fleeing the noise, GVA considers it a mass shooting.

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"FACTS" Do Not even remotely concern the Bolshevik democRats. $ Donors* seems to be the main interests of the Quisling rinoRats. *Not you/me/we, but NWO Corps $ & Mother WEFers $.

We must Recognize We are living in the USSA, their/them Coup is almost completed. While optimism is Vital, hopium is Fatal. Underestimating the Depth & Breadth of this Coup Cabal domestically And internationally is just "whistling past the graveyard" hopium.

They/Them Want War & Chaos to usher in Their/Them's Economic & Social Reset, They Are Bolsheviks in Operation, Facist Banksters in Controlling Authority.......The United Tyrannical NWO.

Will Peaceful Patroitism Prevail ??? or Will 1775 and Watering Mr. Jefferson's Tree be Reluctantly Required ??? Armed Citizens can Not Be Allowed in a USSA, Comrades.

2024/2025 Will Tell the Tale.

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