May 22Liked by Lee Williams

At the rapid rate our liberties are being mangled or destroyed, law abiding citizens, especially gun owners, need the protection of body armor from weaponized government. Highly armed agencies that pose potential deadly force include the FBI and the ATF. Body armor is quickly becoming a wise self defense investment.

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I couldn't agree more. I think this is the real reason they want to ban armor.

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May 22Liked by Lee Williams

Imagine how the entire landscape of gun legislation would change if carveouts were illegal on 14th amendment grounds.

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Great point!!!

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Everybody knows this attempted ban is to prevent civilians from protecting themselves against Federal law enforcement pre-dawn doorkicking raids.

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Is CongreSS Comrade Meng a democRat ? ^ Is CongreSS Comrade Meng a ChiCom???

Curious people ask........ but then under an Illegal, Unconstitutional, Biden Bribed, Obamy Staffed, Feral District of Criminals Coup Regime ......

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"What difference, At this point, Does it make?" to quote Hiliarity Rotten Clintoon from the Repub Quisling Howdy Gowdy Benghazi Hearing............that Finally Nailed Clitoon for her Criminal Traitorous Actions as Sec of Stateless USSA. ....... or Obamy , or CiA, Self-admitted Comrade Brennan........

the "Curiousity" curiously dies away, Comrades. Welcome to the USSA. Not to worry the FIB/ATF Door Knock-Kickers will just shoot you in the head anyway. Have a Nice Day.

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This won't pass of course but it is a reminder that we are only one incident away from sweeping legislation impacting not just guns but ammo, body armor, any and all accessories. I keep telling people, better get what you need now.

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Nitpick: Why the "military and law enforcement get an exemption, but not veterans" in the subtitle? Is that supposed to mean something? Have veterans become the right's version of the left's "for the children"? Military and LE personnel needing armor to do their jobs is a reasonable thing to say. But veterans don't just by virtue of being veterans, and neither do most normal people. Restricting body armor is a load of authoritarian crap and the people pushing it need to be removed from office at the very least for wasting precious legislation time, but I'm tired of hearing "veteran" being used as some sort of magic political talisman. And yeah, I'm a veteran. We're not special and should not be placed in a class of citizens afforded special rights or exemptions to restrictions, just because.

Besides, the reason why police get exemptions to weapons restrictions is to garner the support of police officials and police unions. It's not some lofty ideals about protecting and serving. It's pure realpolitik, nothing more.

In fact, if veterans were offered some sort of exemption, I would call every one of them who supported it a quisling.

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Seems the only two tricks politicians have these days is to either A) ban something or B) make something mandatory. But hey... freedom and 'Murica!.

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May 22Liked by Lee Williams

Oh, but there's a third trick, and probably their most favorite one...TAX IT!!!

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Good point.

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A little late for that, and it's not a bad thing at all. That horse left the barn long ago, thankfully.

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Thank you for keeping us informed on potential infringements on our natural rights. I very much appreciate your commitment to bringing your readers second amendment news.

I am, however, a bit disappointed that you still have not followed up on your last piece about body armor. The last thing you mentioned was thaw to you were going to contact the manufacturer on the next business day. It's been over a week and still no follow up; not even in the comments section. Can you please address my previous question regarding the NIJ certification of the body armor you recommended?

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