Aug 14Liked by Lee Williams

Even assuming the data is accurate, the causation vs. correlation fallacy remains strong throughout the anti-civil rights activists' arguments and conclusions.

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Well said, sir!

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Aug 14Liked by Lee Williams

"The findings highlight the role of firearm prevalence in gun violence" - Really? How can there be gun violence without firearms? They are dumb. Thanks capt obvious! We are in a really bad place in this country when they (liberals) can write outright fiction and lazy people just accept it.

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LOL! I know. You really have to suspend a lot of disbelief on this one. Had I not actually seen the study, I wouldn't have believed anyone was dumb enough to write it and put their name on the final draft.

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Deer Hunters might possibly probably become "Insurgents", most hunters are already "Deplorables" though some of them don't realize the full reality of it, yet.

The Leftist ProgreSSives can "See" the future better than "Conservatives" because They/Them are Creating the Future, while We/Me/You try to "Conserve" and be left alone.

With this strategy, They Win, We lose. They are on Offense, We just Defend. They "know" their propaganda is bull shit, refuting it is like swatting mosquitos, a never ending process, Do We ATTACK them personally as Bolshevik sycophants intent on Eradicating us "Kulaks"???

and will the "Normie" "Deer Hunters" even vote to preserve their Gun Rights in Nov.? (usually low turn out)

At least We/Me/You have amply armed the Taliban to become World Arms Merchants courtesy of the CiA. (17:00) https://rumble.com/v5augc1-alex-jones-issues-emergency-warning-if-not-stopped.html

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Aug 14Liked by Lee Williams

This continuous attack on our 2A by a seemingly infinite number of chimpanzees with keyboards and funding is 60 grit sandpaper on my sense of tolerant civility.

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Here in Missouri there already is a over abundance of deer because they are over protected by folks who don’t hunt. The directors of the Missouri conservation are anything but conservative.

Come fall in Missouri you will find deer dead all over the roads. Add to that the destruction they cause to gardens, young trees etc.

Without hunting deer would be everywhere and become a huge safety issue.

Deer provide meat to many, both those that hunt for protein and those that hunt for sport as they donate their meat to less fortunate families.

Obviously the author of these anti hunting propaganda studies has no clue what goes on in rural America.

Most likely shit his pants at the site of a hunting rifle…

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Same in too many other states. They'd rather see injured motorists than hunters.

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Absolutely! Here in Missouri the leadership of our conservation department are bird watchers, wildlife photographers and pose for photos acting like duck hunters.

A deer to them is a majestic animal of the wild who they feed along with the possums…

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...and Sharkey was Saruman's nickname in the scouring of the Shire, TWIMC.

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Aug 14Liked by Lee Williams

Nonsense like this makes me wonder if the “shooting” incidents include shots taken while hunting deer. The GVA is used by all the anti gun media with no remorse. It is sickening.

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Agreed. GVA knows it's nothing more than an anti-gun propaganda factory. They're okay with that.

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Aug 14Liked by Lee Williams

When I taught experimental design to medical students and residents I used articles from the New England Journal of Medicine and the Journal of the American Medical Association for the analysis of research design and interpretation of data. It was not because they were leading journals but rather because invariably the biases of the authors led to invalid designs and interpretations of the resulting invalid data. Lessons in what "not to do" rather than "what to do." Whenever I see "gun violence" studies in either of the two journals I am very rarely surprised to find "junk science."

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Great to know. HUGE thanks, Doc.

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To be fair…it’s incredibly violent for the deer 😉

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Aug 14Liked by Lee Williams

Time to figure out how to get Arnold Ventures to bankroll gun violence research into topics that we know aren't going to go their way and pretend to be surprised when the results are the opposite of what they like.

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The cry of desperation is deafening here. If anyone applies this same reasoning to......anything common to American societies' many activities, seasonal or otherwise, everything could be found to be unhealthy and dangerous. I am quite sure that car accidents increase after the start of deer hunting season in comparison to before deer hunting season.

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Totally agree. This screams of desperation ... and a bit of lunacy, too.

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Deer hunting = Gun violence.

What is typical of research like this is that it parrots the Liberal false narrative of "sporting use" for The Second Amendment.

There are gunowners that do adhere to that narrative and feel that some of US who adhere to the "Shall not be infringed" PERIOD narrative, do not need our handguns or AR rifles, need to be aware that their beloved deer rifle and shotgun are next.

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This is false Hunters are responsible and safe

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"Third, the main reason we use the GVA data is (it covers with time specificity the period we want) and no other data source on shootings allows for that kind of precision,” Sharkey said in an email."

And the reason I'm looking for my keys under the lighted lamppost in the dark parking lot is because the light is better here than where I dropped them in the dark.

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The thing to remember is that the American Medical Association is primarily a political organization, not a medical one, and the percentage of doctors in America that belong to the AMA has been plummeting for years. The AMA represents less than 20% of American doctors despite desperately trying to recruit new members while they are still in medical school (I threw away dozens of mailers from the AMA while our daughter was in med school).


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