Should be another wake up call to Americans and Floridians about GOP primaries and our need to get involved. With an 80% supermajority and DeSantis it should shock “conservatives” to not see open carry but also the “prohibited places” section slashed to only include courtrooms and jails. Passidomo and Renner are protecting rinos and anti gun special interests when they could lose a lot of republican votes and still potentially get open carry. DeSantis promised constitutional carry and that’s not what we are getting. Even though he doesn’t really support the 2A, if Trump would criticize DeSantis over it, maybe we’d have a shot at amending it once it gets to the floor. Otherwise no one seems interested in altering the plan that was predetermined months ago.

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The only time the GOP actively cares about gun owners is during the primaries. Someday, I hope to be proven wrong about this.

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I also haven’t renewed my NRA membership. Between LaPierre and this I don’t see the point. This was DeSantis’ push, not theirs. With 150k thousand members they can’t do an email blast about open carry? Something is rotten.

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What other, better option exists beyond the NRA? Actually very curious about this

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NRA is the largest. I guess we can be more involved in it to try and make it more hardcore. Lesser battles are important but NRA is not full of people trying to get rid of the NFA for example. It’s full of people who have no problem with open carry being illegal because muh tactical advantage. I joined GOA, am a lifetime Fl Carry member, lifetime SAF member, and FPC member. The latter two do serious heavy lifting in the courts.

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While this is most certainly a step in the right direction, I am, and have been on the fence about open carry, and my reasoning is just because you can open carry (or should be able to) should you?

Gun owners helped kill open carry here in Florida when the shall issue statue was passed. Open carry was not illegal, but it was within a few days. Why? Because gun owners started parading around with pistol and revolvers strapped on with that "look at me" mentality. And naturally this was all broadcast on the evening news. Yes there was politics in play too, but I remember what I had seen then.

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It’s arguably the core of the right to carry. Florida never pioneered anything. Florida is an extreme outlier along with NY and California. Open carry is unrestricted in at least 40 states. 47 if you have a concealed carry permit. The reasons are various but people assume you don’t have anything to hide and many of these states have state supreme court rulings protecting open carry.

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To drive a point home, at the next legislative hearing it should implement a pencil-free zone that restricts any pen/pencil/recording device.

No person, even any reporter or journalist would be allowed in if they're 'carrying' any kind of device that could be used for taking notes or recording voice or video UNLESS they have a government issued license. There should be extra emphasis placed on carrying a large capacity notepad or memory for their fully automatic cameras.

After enough discussion at the door, they should be provided with a temporary 'permit' that explains how the license is needed in order to exercise their 1A rights for the safety of the press.

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Fundamentally, citizens cannot abdicate their decision-making to a corruptible minority who only serve themselves FIRST and their SPONSORS second. Its up to all constituents to impress upon PUBLIC SERVANTS what the will of the People shall be - considering the majority whilst guaranteeing the rights of the minority as well.

In short, call, email and show up to PUBLIC SERVANT meetings and offices en masse. No more foxes guarding hen houses.

Sic Semper Tyrannis

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I support permitless/open carry and support this law.

Until Incorporation Doctrine, the Bill of Rights applied to the Federal Govt. States had their own Bill of Rights, including similar gun right clauses. Most with minor exceptions instead of outright limitation such as the 2A.

Stating this is "Constitutional" carry and a 2A matter is accepting the power grab of the Supreme Court and their fabrication of Incorporation Doctrine. Not only that, it's undermining the sovereignty of the State. Gun right activists are falling into the trap of signing over our rights to the Fed Govt.

Stop saying it's a 2A right when it concerns the State level. It's not a 2A right.

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Even following Dobbs I think we are nowhere near a wide spread strengthening of federalism so it's not very helpful to look at it like this imo. Even as a fan of it!

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Either you defend the Constitution or you don't. You can't pick and choose the times or topics.

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