Still waiting for that email from the Florida NRA. I’m going to go ahead and assume they’re against it. I think the legislature is too antigun to consider it. They certainly won’t “allow” unlicensed open carry like in 40 other states. Their corporate masters and the devil mouse wouldn’t approve nor would the millions of Democrats and New York Republicans that call Florida home.

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I'm inclined to agree about the FL/NRA and for a couple of reasons. The NRA email brags about how the NRA has achieved "Constitutional Carry" in 24 states, but is the NRA really why these states now have "CC"? When the last state to pass "CC," Ohio or Alabama, their email never mentioned the Florida situation.

The Florida "shall issue" legislation is a signature achievement for Marion Hammer / NRA, and it would seem to me that she has enough political clout to get "CC" passed. But on the other hand, "CC" under mines her signature achievement, the FL CWL.

I am also inclined to believe Ron DeSantis when he states that he will sign "CC." Governor DeSantis was my congressman but when he was running for Congress, I sent him one question, "Do you support the Second Amendment?" he actually took the time to call me and asure me that he does.

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It's disgusting. This reminds me of Carol Bowne from Berlin New Jersey who was waiting for a purchasing permit.

And here we are in Florida begging and buying our rights back. It's past time we hold every representative accountable for blocking Constitutional Carry and I don't care if they have a (R) or (D) in front of they're damn names

We Republican leadership here in Florida have done more to hurt responsible gun owners then anti gunners all while getting cover from the NRA

The fact is we don't need anti gunners when we have Republicans and the NRA doing the work for them.

Kevin Sona


Florida Carry

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Couldn't agree more, bro.

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This makes me wonder about responsibilities.

Would this come under 'qualified immunity' as well ?

When protected rights are infringed by states and govt officials and that infringement results in harm or even death, has it already been established that those states and officials have some kind of immunity from prosecution or civil action? The legislature of each state has officially caused the disabling of rightful Constitutional Carry that could be proven to be responsible for the harm or death, if not fully then at least partially.

EVERY person and family affected by violence of any kind that could have been prevented or even had the harm reduced should be able to file for 'redress' of that grievance. Unless the states have infringed upon THAT right as well.

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A damn shame in all respects... Protecting yourself should never be like a priviledge... It is everyones inalienable right to protect themselves and their families...

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Ms. Carli should have carried in spite of not having a CWL. If she was worried that her ex was a problem, she should have gotten a restraining order, and bought herself a handgun on the way home.

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