ATF has got to go!!!

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Totally agree! This is the one-millionth example of their misconduct.

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An excellent, deeply researched column, Lee.

The total lack of common sense or rationality in these asinine laws is so obvious that it can't be missed by the legislators passing them. They can't be stupid enough to actually believe an obscure law and a sign are going to prevent some loose cannon from shooting up a school. Or dumber still, that a legally armed motorist just passing by is some kind of threat to a school.

They must know such laws are laughably ridiculous and totally ineffective. Yet they pass them anyway.

Therefore, we must assume they have darker motivations, such as driving another little nail in the coffin of individual firearm ownership by a free people.

Or maybe I'm giving them too much credit. Maybe they are just plain stupid.

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Thanks, Henry. I really appreciate your comments.

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Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but this article seems to be enlightening about malfeasance and misfeasance of the government in many different ways beyond just the GFSZA.

Many of our laws seem to have been written by people who are heII-bent on destroying the foundation of the nation by hog-tying the law abiding citizens and encouraging the law breakers.

Not only did this prosecution wind up letting a felon of lightly, but it also reinforced bad behavior by LEOs. There are good examples everywhere of how NOT to handle law enforcement and subsequent prosecution.

If a doctor (a good one) were treating a patient with this many symptoms of diseases, they'd probably have the patient immediately admitted to a hospital (again, a good one) while letting the family know they need to prepare for the worst.

Every level of government seems to have been infiltrated by people with designs of 'fundamentally transforming' the structure and abilities of our government.

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While I certainly agree that it should be repealed, I do believe that states can, and in some cases do, authorize exceptions to the GFSZA. If I’m not mistaken, for example, Idaho offers and enhanced license, and holders are permitted to carry on school grounds including in school buildings. I think we’d be more likely to see more states go that route than to see a federal repeal in the near future. Even a court challenge seems more likely to succeed, whether simply on grounds of federal overreach, or on 2A grounds.

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Also florida pistol brace owners will or arguably already are felons under state law. SBR’s are illegal in Florida unless owned legally under federal “law”.

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