Meanwhile over the Memorial Day weekend there were at least 17 mass shootings as defined by the Gun Violence Archive but Biden and Kneepads didn't go visit those people. Perhaps their reaction to a shooting is based mostly on political expediency instead of concern for reducing gun violence. We know where most gun violence occurs, and we know who commits it, but we aren't supposed to talk about it.

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I’m concerned. I don’t think we will see general restrictions on magazines or “assault weapons” yet but they might think they can get away with attacks on due process. We know Republican voters will let them get away with a lot, look no farther than the despicable Rick Scott. Look at the adulation of senator John Kennedy in response to his folksy cpac speech. And that was hours from voting to give Hunter Biden and his foreign cronies $40 billion dollars when Americans can’t pay for gas. We have some serious cultural pathology in this country-100k people killed themselves with drugs last year. These shootings will not stop. We won’t fortify and arm all the schools and parents won’t or can’t teach all the kids at home. God help us. In the meantime call you political scumbag reps and tell them punishing people who didn’t do anything with laws is unacceptable.

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We must all be vocal, vigilant and wide awake to reality. Not one of these politicians cares.

They care about getting re-elected and that means they care about the campaign bank accounts, which means they care about their corporate donors. Their corporate donors have jumped onto the ESG, DEI, "I'm concerned about the current thing" band wagon and chained themselves to the floor boards. These are the points of contact and influence that need to be exploited. Call, email and vote with your bank account capital and show them that you mean business and will gladly sacrifice convenience to protect your rights.

And for those discussions with the few who will have a rational, logic open discussion, arm yourself with the comparative facts regarding the relative infrequence of these still tragic events compared to everyday events (drownings, car accidents, falls from playground equipment, etc) which are all "preventable" and yet still tolerated.

Not one of the despicable fear merchants (politicians and media personalities) would suggest America ban cars, pools or playgrounds, "even if it saves just one life".

Don't let them take your rights, to allow them more power over you.

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Gun owners who believe that this is about so-called "assault weapons" need to go back and read what the definition of semi-automatic was in Senator Feinstein's assault weapons ban which included all semi-automatic firearms and by her definition would have banned any over and under or side by side shotgun with a single trigger.

Next up would be your favorite deer (sniper) rifle, and then look up north. Trudeau has set the stage for yes, you guessed it a handgun ban.

Let's not forget that the gun control push was initially about handguns but wasn't politically viable, so the gun-grabbers dropped the "Handguns" sfrom their rhetoric.

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If they continue to treat the law-abiding as law-breakers, they shouldn't be surprised when we take on that mantle. (shades of 'The Swamp Fox' - how appropriately named :)

I still don't believe Rick Scott is a Republican.

He's too quick to be a stooge, so he must be a plant.

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