I am just wondering if Mr. Bonta is a Lobbyist for George Soros and such.

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It's just pure and simply hate. They want the privilege for themselves, and don't want to share it with us Poors.

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I wonder if a class action suit can be brought against Bonita for his action.

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That should be done - right after prosecution for the criminal activity of these actions. They'll just brush it off by saying he didn't INTEND to break the law. hmmm, where did I hear that before?

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Mike, I think most of us agree. Lawsuit should be filed against this AG - no way this wasn’t intentional. I don’t know CA law - if he could be recalled.

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Unless they have changed things, which is unlikely:

"doxxing is a crime in California and typically addressed under Section 653.2 of the California Penal Code. Specifically, it is a crime for an individual to release personally-identifying information about another person with the intent of causing that person unwanted physical contact, injury, or harassment."

"Doxing is an indirect form of harassment. California prosecutes doxing under its electronic cyber-harassment statute (Penal Code §653.2)"

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Bonta needs to spend some time as a guest of the State of California.

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My thinking exactly. Of course, the laws are only 'recommendations' for the Left.

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Not the first time they've done this, it was done by the Roanoke Times in VA after the Virginia Tech killings.

It's "name and shame", nothing less. Could you imagine if this was a list of gay people? Or women who've had abortions? It's that level of scumbag retaliation.

I doubt there will be any justice, but people deserve to be charged and jailed for this.

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