This just in: “The gun control crowd is already dishing out the ‘end-of-civilization’ rhetoric,” observed CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. https://armedamericannews.org/ccrkba-rips-anti-gunners-in-florida-for-constitutional-carry-hysteria/

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Thanks for the great resource for news!

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This is good but NOT constitutional carry. I can still be detained and arrested or open carry, which over 40 other states have. Why is this so hard for the Florida legislature? Can we work to get this amended to allow for unlicensed open carry in committee or on the floor?

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Florida Carry is already working on amendments, Zach.

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Ideally you get a good bill and fight bad amendments. We have a mediocre bill that we have to fight for good amendments.

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PFFFT! That's just permitless concealed carry, not constitutional carry. In effect, it will remove the requirement for a basic firearms safety class (once upon a time) for people who don't travel outside of FL. Unless a gun control bill gets rid of the ERPO law in FL, I really don't take it seriously.

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It's a small step in the right direction. I hope there is legitimate justification for ignoring the infringement on our 2A rights that are supposed to be protected. If they get some Democrats to sign on with the bill omitting half of the correction then it might be understandable.

Otherwise it certainly appears there are still a lot of RINOs being sent to T-Town if the sponsors are taking baby steps to get THEM to sign on. We'll see soon.

I know a lot of people claim that open carry just makes you a target. But those people aren't REQUIRED to open carry. If a person isn't wearing rags while carrying, I don't believe it's that easy to distinguish the citizen exercising their unalienable rights from an off-duty peace officer who carries openly. Either way, it's an 'open' statement to those who look for victims.

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Permitless carry is fine and dandy, but Florida can never again rationally be called the "Gunshine State" until the legislature repeals RINO Rick "The Prick" Scott's invasive, unconstitutional red-flag nonsense.

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And we need to restore the rights of our 18-20-year-olds.

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If they won’t do it I’m hopeful the courts will. Soon too.

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I know some folks in Bellevue, Washington who are working on that as we speak...

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Lee, I don’t have to tell you how important it would be to do this while DeSantis is in office- while we have our “strong man”- in a state with Florida’s population and demographics.

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It's like you're reading my mind, man.

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Lol. Holstered handguns with at least one level of retention by those licensed or otherwise eligible for a license. There is no way they’ll ever go for long guns but nobody cares and 790.025 covers long guns decently anyway. My 2¢.

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This is useless. There is no "open carry." It's not constitutional carry unless it's open or concealed carry and it's our choice. What we need is a constitutional amendment in Florida that deletes everything in Article 1, Section 8, after, "The Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms Shall not be Infringed." That would be Constitutional Carry!

I'm the creator and host of the Action Radio Citizen Legislature, and I would happily draft that amendment. www.WriteYourLaws.com

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Call, mail, and email your state senator, representative, and Governor DeSantis to amend HB 543 to allow unlicensed open carry.

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