The Surgeon General has just damaged the credibility of his office by bending the knee to the gun grabbers and senile Joe Biden. Murtha has joined the CDC, FDA, Attorney General, etc. as partisan tools of the Executive and NGOs, instead of honestly and impartially serving the public. He would have better served the public by declaring su…
The Surgeon General has just damaged the credibility of his office by bending the knee to the gun grabbers and senile Joe Biden. Murtha has joined the CDC, FDA, Attorney General, etc. as partisan tools of the Executive and NGOs, instead of honestly and impartially serving the public. He would have better served the public by declaring such drugs (cause of most mass killing with guns) a public health crisis. Or he could have declared single parent households a public health crisis. Or how about declaring Covid-19 mRNA bioweapons a public health crisis (with over a million dead victims since being forced on the public)? The gun grabbers are celebrating today.
The Surgeon General has just damaged the credibility of his office by bending the knee to the gun grabbers and senile Joe Biden. Murtha has joined the CDC, FDA, Attorney General, etc. as partisan tools of the Executive and NGOs, instead of honestly and impartially serving the public. He would have better served the public by declaring such drugs (cause of most mass killing with guns) a public health crisis. Or he could have declared single parent households a public health crisis. Or how about declaring Covid-19 mRNA bioweapons a public health crisis (with over a million dead victims since being forced on the public)? The gun grabbers are celebrating today.