Jul 30Liked by Lee Williams

1) So, VP Harris and U.S. Sec of State Blinken seem to be on opposite sides of this.

Are any of the NOT (Narrative Over Truth) Media going to ask them about this?

2) Please read the following quote and think about who said it, when they said it, and if it's okay with you that they said it.

"I want to speak quickly to the elections that just took place in our country. We applaud the American people for their participation in the November 3rd, 2020 Presidential election. We commend their courage and commitment to democracy in the face of repression and in the face of adversity. We've seen the announcement, just a short while ago by the American electoral commission. We have serious concerns that the result announced does not reflect the will or the votes of the American people. It's critical that every vote be counted fairly and transparently; that election officials immediately share information with the opposition and independent observers without delay and that the electoral authorities publish the detailed tabulation of votes. The international community is watching this very closely and will respond accordingly."

https://youtu.be/KwtdkrB50ZE (57-second video)

Who said that and when?

Donald Trump in November, 2020? Would that be okay with you?

Hillary Clinton in November, 2020? Would that be okay with you?

Joseph Biden in November, 2020? Would that be okay with you?

You, your neighbor, or me at any time since November, 2020? Would that be okay with you?

What if I told you that I changed just a few words from the actual quote?

Now, reread the quote but substitute the actual words as follows:

"our country" = "Venezuela"

"American" = "Venezuelan"

"November 3rd, 2020" = "July 28" [,2024]

Does that make a difference in your opinion?

What if I told you that it was the CURRENT U.S. Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, who said that about a FOREIGN election just today...while in a different foreign country?

What is your opinion now?


So, is it okay for the CURRENT U.S. Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, to have publicly declare, while in a foreign country, that he has "serious concerns that the result announced does not reflect the will or the votes of the Venezuelan people" in a FOREIGN election, but if WE ask questions about our OWN election, we get labeled "Election Deniers" and are marked as "Domestic Terrorists"?

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Jul 30Liked by Lee Williams

If Maduro was on the right, like Javier Milei in Argentina he would not be called a "strongman". He would be a "dictator" or "Trump-like." The leftists always overlook or excuse their own excesses. Wasn't Stalin as bad as Hitler? He was actually responsible for more deaths. Not to the left - for them Stalin is just a historical figure.

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Jul 30Liked by Lee Williams

What I don't understand is why the Israelis are not better armed. it would seem to me that if you're surrounded, the best option would be to be armed and ready, or at the very least armed so an immediate response could be activated.

Historically, you'd think they would know that.

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That I will never understand. They're surrounded by enemies, after all.

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Jul 30Liked by Lee Williams

Since the full establishment of the Israeli government the Israeli government and public has trended Left. BeBe is "far right" by Israeli standards and has to fight the Israeli Supreme Court constantly (look up that history). While the country initially needed everyone armed, once the IDF was firmly in place, they saw no need for an armed populace. The successes of the IDF gave the gun grabbers more than enough to sway the public against being armed. Even the kibbutz near Gaza, while having firearms, had the firearms locked up with a security coordinator having the keys to pass out the firearms and ammunition to the "organized militia".

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Jul 30Liked by Lee Williams

The Iron Dome is part of the answer. If you remember, the fall of the USSR was due to the gross national product not meeting the needs of their military budget. That is why allies are necessary in fighting evil around the world especially in smaller nations who rely on freedom as the power behind economic growth and prosperity. A tiny free country cannot easily battle a worldwide philosophically hostile battle for power through terrorism. They must rely on their friends. It becomes a proxy war that must be fought to ensure our freedom.

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Jul 30Liked by Lee Williams

Wow Lee don’t even get me going on that shit show.. Yes, without the second amendment we will not have the frist. But I give prays to the freedom fighters of Venezuela. May the hand and breath of God be with them!

Biden and Harris, what a disgrace! But we must be defiant of our own deep state. The CIA has been running administrations for years now. They just compromise the politicians. And then work them like trained dogs! Our own deep state has to be defeated!

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Totally right about the Deep State. They cause this.

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Jul 30Liked by Lee Williams

A bright spot is Javier Milei of Argentina. He won. He is pro gun rights. https://bearingarms.com/camedwards/2023/08/15/pro-gun-candidate-surges-to-lead-in-argentinas-presidential-primary-n73704

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Yeah, he's got commonsense.

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Jul 30Liked by Lee Williams

Surely this didn't happen. The Resident and Vice Resident received Maduro's promise that the 2024 elections would above board and honest in exchange for eliminating the sanctions against Maduro's regime. As usual, they gave away the store on a promise. It's like these people never watched Popeye cartoons or at least never got the idea behind Blimpy's "I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today." routine.

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Well said, sir.

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