The Obama-Biden Administration has blocked all arms and ammo for Israel, and it taking all the action it can against the second amendment here. You can bet that they have other strategies to achieve their goal to disarm or at least to greatly reduce arms here....for the same reason used in banning weapon and ammo shipments to Israel. The leftist assert that they must disarm individuals to create peace. An Armed Society is not a Peaceful Society.


The Obama-Biden admin knows full well that Peace is a byproduct of War, the Islamist knows this truth, thus Obama, the good Islamist that he is, wages the first stage of war here, today, disarming the opposition, followed by the aspiration of removing the opposition from existence, again to create Peace for the Religion of Peace.

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When is Congress going pull the purse strings?

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Rep. Gaetz was talking about it.

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I'll say it...but I wish I didn't have to, talk is all our side has, there are no teeth in their talk. And even if they accomplish something, the administration will just implement plan B. Which most likely will be much worse than plan A.

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He's quite the bomb thrower. Might make it happen if it suits his own personal agenda.

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I’m thinking the weed they found in the White House belongs to Joe, cuz he and his administration are high as a kite.

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I can empathise with the FFL gun shop owner, but to further the discussion; What happens if democRat Bolsheviks remain in power??? It's not like they/them didn't have a sElection Coup in 2020.

Also the ATF showed it's "colors" at Waco, along with the FIB, as far as I am concerned. The Clintoon Regime was All Allinsky, and it only got Worse from there until Trump, who like Reagan, Stopped some tyranny, slowed some, but it all was quickly reversed by their replacements.

Now when more guns will be needed to counter the illegal military/cartel invaders the guns & especially ammo can be turned off by One EO Signature.

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You should check out what they (aTf) are doing to a large Florida shooting store chain, who's initials are SW.

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