One would think, if one took the time to, that an agency that has been "dear leader"-less for over seven years, and that seems to be doing the bidding of all those who foresee the utopia of a "gunless society", that they'd be happy for an agency without direction, that thrives in the self-sustaining miasmic mind hive of bureaucratic diktats.....

Any politician that approves those who wish to take away any freedom or liberty from an American citizen, should never hold office, if, those who voted them into those positions were paying attention.

Unfortunately our society has decided (been programmed to believe) that pathos has more value than ethos, and logos isn't even on the balance beam.

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A modest proposal: axe one ATF position per month, starting with Director and working down. Do not backfill. After a few months, double it. Then again. Continue until ATF is a bad memory.

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I'm sure our collection of left-wing GOP 'members' will help usher this dude thru. "Never let a crisis go to waste."

If only it would be seen as hypocritical, the GOP should offer to include red flag laws for the 1st Amendment along with the 2nd, at least as it relates to the free press. Unfortunately, the current crop of Leftists would leap at the offer.

Elon Musk recently mentioned that the power behind Biden is who controls the teleprompter. Apparently they now have a WH spokesthing that is also led by a teleprompter. It can't seem to collect a thought on its own.

KJP mentioned the key involvement by ATF personnel in the investigations. She didn't happen to mention about the failure of the entire system that failed to prevent it though, did she?

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