Lee, any attempt legitimize the Ministry of Truth is unconstitutional. It is up to the *individual* to decide what is "disinformation".

I truly believe we will beat this. Don't post online? Ok - put the info on private platforms (Truth Social, Substack, Gab, etc.). Shut those down? Email chains. Block email? Texting/phone. Shut that down? Meet me at the local watering hole and we'll make some plans.

It's more important now than ever that people organize with the sole intent of keeping communications open. Who to trust? Well, I'd trust my contact info to anyone in this group, and many of the fine Sheriffs and LEOs that have shown their loyalty to the people. We're fortunate to be living in a state that has a governor that is willing to fight the good fight as well!

We will resist.

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It has been long past the time that the Patriot Act should have been repealed. Our alphabet agencies have been fine tuned and made capable of performing the new duties brought forward after 9/11. The most public facing agency developed for coordinating those original alphabet agencies is the Department of Homeland Security.

The Patriot Act should now be repealed and DHS, along with any offshoots, should be put in mothballs.

Any agency having the power and authority that was, arguably, needed immediately after 9/11 was a danger to the nation. It should have been deactivated as soon as the existing agencies were brought up to speed. Keeping it active is another cancer in our government, which is already suffering from many other metastasizing cancerous agencies that should have, themselves, been drastically downsized.

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Good intentions can be turned into bad consequences.

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I think I'm in agreement, but not fully sure if you mean that the Patriot Act and DHS were begun with good intentions or the idea of repealing and dissolving may have bad consequences.

If the former, I totally agree. They definitely appeared to have been instigated with good intentions, but turned out to have been misrepresented and went downhill from there.

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The former. After 9/11 no one was sure what was next. Ron Paul opposed the Patriot Act, and it seems that Rand Paul is the only one who speaks out about the negative consequences of it.

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Fifth Columnists is what they are.

These same people need a review of history because once the tyrants were in power whether it be, the communists in Russia, the fascists in Italy, the National socialists in Germany, or China, or Cuba, the press was their first target, then the intellectuals who helped put them in power, and then the people.

It is interesting to see so many people that think they'll be just fine when in fact they lose what we lose. This seems to be completely lost on everyday liberals.

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It's lost on them because they operate with 'feelings' instead of rational thinking.

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I saw a meme that sums this up. George Orwells book 1984 was supposed to be a warning not a guide. Apparently the Dems today are ok with this. Personally this goes against the principles for which our GREAT country was founded.

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More bureaucracy equals more taxes and less freedom. Propaganda 101

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