These Delaware "Laws" clearly violate the Constitution and recent Soopreme Court rulings.

However it's just a step away from Knowingly Violating the Law by the Rulers of Delaware to Ignoring Any Rule of Law by these ProgreSSive Elitists. It's well underway, just ask those Patriots sitting in the DC Jail for over a year without Bail or Trial.

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They're definitely unconstitutional. However, it will cost money, our money, a lot of money, to prove that in court. At the end of the day, it will likely cost $1 million per bill. In a perfect world, there would be legal consequences for lawmakers who knowingly enact uncon bills.

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I currently donate to several gun rights orgs. but without ammo , especially 5.56 restrictions on public sales by the JoBama Regime, then the price of Freedom will become more dear and sooner rather than later. The facades are falling away quickly.

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Lee; the first step towards attaining the legal consequences you proposed, would be to stop letting sleazy two-bit politicians load our Federal Courts with political patronage WHORES. Drawing names out of a hat or throwing darts at a dart board would be an improvement.

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On the floor of the Senate in 1985, Biden stated , I have never believed that additional Gun Control or Federal Registration of Guns would reduce Crime. I am convinced that a Criminal who wants a Firearm can get one thru Illegal, Untraceable, Unregisted Sources, with or without Gun Control. I have a pic and the statement , but I couldn't send it here. What the Heck happened. Flip/Flop.

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Isn't this how "Prohibition" was enacted and that was by Constitutional Amendment after a majority of States passed "Prohibition" legislation. While a amendment to USC might be considered the correct way to do such things in the U.S. the voters do not really get to vote on it.

You'd think we'd learn something from the disaster of the 18th Amendment, which probably caused the Great Depression, not to mention the criminal element. The only way the Government can control anything is if it is legal, because it mitigates the black market.

But the Left knows going to court over such things is good for them and bad for U. S. As taxpayers we get to pay for litigation from both sides.

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the ProgreSSive Era of the early 1900's destroyed the foundation of the Republic with the 17th Amendment. "Our democRat Demoncrazy" was born.

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Yes, pretty much circumvented the 10th amendment, and turned the Senate from State representation into a "good ole boys club."

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I'm gonna sound like a broken record, but:

When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.

- Tell these slime to say hello to 120 Million NEW outlaws.

This is like the joke about how to cook a frog - by slowly increasing the heat, he'll never notice until it's too late.

Or the practice of 'death by a thousand cuts' (Lingchi).

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