You could almost literally walk around any large city blindfolded for an hour and bump into an actual criminal with an illegal actual machinegun but instead the ATF decides for whatever reason to go after this guy. It is part of a pattern with the ATF where they pick someone out and target them, and once you are a target they are going to get you even if they have to lie about the evidence. I'll send this link to my Congressman and Senators to see if I can get their attention on this travesty.

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THANK YOU !! Very appreciated, Arthur. I have the best readers in the world.

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Lee, I hope you will approach the White House on Adamiak's account. This case cries out for pardon and expungement and now we have a President who believes in justice.

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I definitely agree and I definitely will, Roger.

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What a shit show! As an 8 year Cold War Navy Veteran under the Reagan administration “Thank the Lord” I can’t believe the blatant disregard of his constitution rights! Our new President Elect should add him to his pardon list immediately! I’m pissed off!!!😠

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I'm pretty pissed off too.

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Another reason the ATF and pretty much all govt agencies need to not exist!!

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government ignores that God gave us all internal understanding of Gods laws in the Holy Spirit

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Seems like if Trump is pardoning patriots, here's one that needs it. What a ridiculous, corrupt, awful joke of an agency.

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That's the hope, man!

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And it has been for a long time. It needs DOGE'd as soon as possible. These are the American jackboots with no justification for their existence. They are a redundant agency.

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this isnt even a jackboot that regime let their dudes have machineguns no registry and hand grenades

there is a ddeeper evil at play its a body of darknes against the Body of Light that Israelite (is real light) that makes up God he is branching into my body every day using the seven seals of what a rainbow reveals in the electromagnetic spectrum, visible light that is everywhere, he is everywhere and theyre trying to cast a shadow on us

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Seems to me JD Vance would be very interested in this case.

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The real questions are WHO is this corrupt, evil prosecutor and WHO are the primary ATF agents who fabricated evidence and lied about it?

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Treason for them would suck, wouldn’t it?

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“Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime”,

Lavrentiy Beria, the most ruthless and longest-serving secret police chief in Joseph Stalin’s reign of terror in Russia and Eastern Europe, bragged that he could prove criminal conduct on anyone, even the innocent.

Beria targeted “the man” first, then proceeded to find or fabricate a crime. Beria’s modus operandi was to presume the man guilty, and fill in the blanks later.

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God bless you Lee for your efforts in this man's behalf.

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Thanks, T. We've got much more coming.

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I have no words....

Oh, wait! Yes, I do.

The government wouldn't manufacture evidence to convict someone...(Sarc) }:^(

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thy shoul manufacrure somethig useful like chease and feed eleven people instead it can make,, people happy the worl a brighter place for little time/effort

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What an outrage. Let’s hope the new regime corrects this miscarriage of justice and punishes the corrupt agents who railroaded this guy.

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Gee, what a shocker.

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Effing bastards!

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To put it simply, most federal agencies do not serve the taxpayers who pay their salaries. They have an agenda that is opposed to the Constitution and Bill of Right; ergo, they are working against the interests of US citizens. President Trump needs to abolish these agencies or, at the very least, to reorganize them. This especially holds true for any agency involved with our Constitutional rights. If Trump cannot or will not do this, then it is the right and duty of the patriotic citizens to.

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Just sent Lee's article to my Congressman asking when will the ATF be stopped from its unconstitutional actions and hopefully be disbanded?

BTW, my Congressman is a very staunch supporter of the Second Amendment.

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