It's not just full-auto Glocks that the gangbangers have. I remember watching a video of a gang member firing off a full-auto AK in the middle of a busy street a year or two ago. (Much more powerful and dangerous than a 9mm). Of course that video didn't fit MSM's and liberals' profile of what's wrong in America so, just like this, it never made the national news. Every liberal and Fed. agent knows that the true domestic terrorists are the parents speaking out at school board meetings . . . not gangbangers slaughtering innocent people in our inner cities. "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil" (Isaiah 5:20).

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1. Pursuing violent gangs is dangerous and it's much safer to develop a task force at HQ and provide a name to the 'participation' with the boots on the ground LEOs than to actually work with them on patrol.

2. Anyone using a Glock switch and spraying a neighborhood or crowd is a terrorist using a weapon of terror and should be pursued as such.

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That's exactly it. ATF is scared to go out and actually enforce the law.

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Look at pictures of who the ATF is targeting and then look at pictures of the gang members they studiously ignore. That should make it clear who the Federal government considers to be their real enemy.

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It is "very clear" (thanks, K Jean-Pierre for the cliche) that ATF's real perceived enemy is not the gangsters in Chicago, but the type of person exemplified by the Oklahoma FFL (and Baptist minister). The gangsters actually move the ATF agenda forward - as long as they exist, ATF can use their savagery to "justify" their civilian disarmament demands. As for the Oklahoma minister (and you and I), we are the enemies standing in the way of the Marxist Worker's and Peasant's Paradise. The gangsters are simply "useful idiots."

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Obviously, the current administration doesn't care about law and order, they just want to disarm the citizenry so they can continue towards their goal of a police state. This also shows that the whole BLM movement is also BS as the lives of Black Men are at risk because of Black on Black violence as seen in the two videos your article linked to, not because of out of control police or so called white supremisists.

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