May karma pay them a visit.

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Dettelbach is a tool and a fraud. And he doesn't know how to field strip a Glock, possibly the easiest pistol to disassemble that has ever been invented. I know how to do it, and I don't even own a Glock!

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He made it clear yesterday during the hearing all he will ever be is an ignorant political appointee.

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Dettelbach is nothing more than a modern day version of Heinrich Himmler whose offer of condolences to Mrs. Malinowski are just as meaningful as were Himmler's apologies. Note the physical resemblance between the two "weasels". Dettelbach is a despicable human being who hides behind words but who’s actions and directives show who he really is. He continues to provide cover for Malinowski's murderers and the instructions he gave them. He might as well have pulled the trigger. He has fallen in love with the power he has usurped in the name of the ATF and will continue doing what he’s doing, getting away with that and murder, until he is held accountable by a feckless Congress.

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Satanic POS! All of the ABC agencies have to be revamped. Hopefully November of this year we will be able to cut funding and rid our Republic of these asscorks! Along with many of the low T GOP! They do nothing but flap their gums. And I’ve about had it! Lee, thanks for the updates. And I haven’t missed Marks round table in years. God Bless you all. 🙏 And God Bless America 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸! And keep your FMJ’s close!

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Lousy lying bureaucrat.

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Everyone knew he was lying the instant he opened his mouth.

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Vat a putz

Abolish the ATF

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The head of the agency didn't have prior knowledge of the raid. Ok, no problem go home and sleep well, it's not your problem. I predict there will be a classic leftist fall guy, who pays the price for the Obama-Biden operation.....but it won't be too much of a price and I'm sure whomever it is, he'll be compensator for behind the scenes for taking a minor beating in the public eye. For the sake of protecting democracy.

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Obama and Biden need to swing along with this POS>

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The ATF plainly murdered Mr. Malinowski. They really need to be abolished. Their sole purpose was to commit murder. Any govt. agency like this is not needed anymore. I want to see every agent involved swinging at the end of a rope. Fuck the ATF.

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These swamp rats are lying thieves. They swear to tell the truth, then lie profusely, smiling while they take their taxpayer funded unearned checks. Just once I'd like to see one of these bastards/bitches stand before the law-abiding American citizens an say: "We disrespect you. We hate you. We want to take away all your rights, especially your right to keep and bear firearms. We will confiscate your guns, lie to the courts and watch as you're thrown in jail. Finally, most of all, know that we are at war with you and that we want to kill you."

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It's way past time for the ATF to be abolished, come on congress abolish these mfers.

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If you’re the ATF Director and every congressional hearing room you walk into ends up smelling like bullsh#t, check the bottom of your own shoes.

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