The actions in this abhorrent shooting screams that it was planned in advance for this outcome.

There's a question that needs to be answered. Does the ATF have a competition about how many civilians can be killed in a district or in a year? Because it sure appears so.

A group of people got together to form a plan about how to perform an illegal act. HOW is this not racketeering? And their actions resulted in a death that for civilians would be declared murder with special circumstances.

Qualified immunity my a$$

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A yet-unidentified ATF agent shot Malinowski in the head with a carbine at least once.

The above sentence from the story puzzles me; was the victim shot more than once? In the head and/or other parts of the body? In law enforcement we were taught to shoot for center mass because in a dynamic situation like the one described in the story it is very difficult to hit a person's head (too small), so aim for the biggest target, i.e., center mass. I'm speculating now, but was that agent who shot the victim in the head that good of a shot or was he that close that he couldn't miss the head?

IMO, this raid on Mr. Malinowski's home was a total screw up. And no body cams worn by the agents? That sounds like a cover-up to me.

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Mr. Malinowski's family said in a statement he was shot "at least once" in the head.

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Why was the ATF there in the first place?

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Because they wanted to make headlines, and they certainly did.

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Because an otherwise uneventful daytime arrest at his workplace doesn't scratch the Biden Administration's itch for the need to show his base he's being antagonistic and abusive enough of the 2nd Amendment.

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Yep, and because of ATF's excesses, Maer is now a widow.

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I can't fathom the horror of that night. Government thuggery.

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Totally agree. No American should have to go through what Maer Malinowski underwent. She was locked in a freezing police car -- in her nightgown -- while her husband was dying in their home.

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Because It's Fun to Terrorize the Sheeples. FIB does the same. Feral Polezi. Feral JustUs. Feral Gulags.... Go Ahead, Tell me I'm wrong ...........

The Borderless Area is swamped , Imported "Newcomers" in Every City, Crime is Soaring, no shortage of Real Criminals for these Feral Polezi. They could care less.

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The weaponized Biden shock troops (ATF) are a danger to all of us. Abolish the ATF.

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A M E N !

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The absence of body cams was "a feature, not a bug." The desired outcome was achieved, in the eyes of ATF.

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Yep. There's no evidence showing they did anything wrong.

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Only the Dead Citizens left in their Wake, but I get your point, Officer Dindu Nuffin and nuffin to show otherwise.

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If sleazy politicians and bureaucrats can award the families of george floyd and his ilk millions

and convict the police officers of murder, then the Malinowski family should be awarded many

millions (to come out of the atf budget) and all those involved should be charged with and tried

for murder. Unfortunately, that's not likely to happen, as he was WHITE.

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He *was* being invaded by armed criminals.

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The US Senators and State Atty Gen are just Blowing Air in useless Posturing for their Sheepled public.

"Where were the Body Cams?" Sheesh. "Why didn't they wear them?" Duh. ATF has a Criminal "history" Comrades. Never held accountable for Anything including other Murders, Genocide at Waco.

So ??? The State Atty Gen & Governor can Invite ATF to LEAVE Arkansas until Satisfactory Answers are forthcoming. There won't be any truthful answers. Indict the ATF Team, the Entire Team for Murder.

Otherwise it just continues ........

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I suspect that at least one agent was wearing a bodycam but the footage was damning so now they are claiming no one had one on. The ATF sent a hit squad in a manner designed to make it as likely as possible that a shoot-out would occur and now are getting called out on it.

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I learned during Obama that federal employees (not all, but many) leaned to the left, and thought any oath was a joke. Fast forward to CVD19, we watched a large majority of law enforcement of all kinds leave due to medical mandates. Follow that closely with DEI, and what have we got? Actual power hungry thugs with badges the likes America has rarely seen. The good guys with conscience are gone, and have been replaced by Gestapo happy to do the Marxist’s bidding.

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zero consequences for this bullshit. They’ll keep doing it until there are.

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I don't expect resignations, firings, and criminal charges to come out of this, since the AFT is by all metrics a rogue agency, accountable to no one, but it's certainly well-earned.

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Every single participant in this EXECUTION should be charged with PREMEDITATED MURDER IN THE FIRST DEGREE! This new FAKE biden admin tactic of arresting people in the middle of the night or wee hours of the morning using SWAT TEAMS in huge numbers and breaking down people's doors for MISDEMEANORS IS ABHORRENT, DISGUSTING, COMMUNIST, BANANA REPUBLIC and SADIST, not to mention UNNECESSARY! NOW, they have resulted in the MURDER OF A HUSBAND! These people are DISPICABLE and they WILL BE HELD TO ACCOUNT! This needs to CHANGE YESTERDAY! These SWAT members WILL BE PURGED AND JUDGED. I wonder what their excuses will be at the Pearly Gates? Sellouts ALL! This makes ME SICK! They have RUINED COUNTLESS LIVES in this family! DISGUSTING! ALL those that requested this action WILL ALSO BE HELD TO ACCOUNT! I wish it would result in their having ROPE NECKLACES but that might be too much to ask. I would at least like to see LONG prison sentences, FINANCIAL RESTITUTION for the Wife, and APOLOGIES FROM ALL INVOLVED!

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Start with “General Police Powers” are reserved, not delegated. The federal government has zero constitutional authority for police agencies - neither the ATF nor FBI are constitutional. Both are usurpation by the Feds of State 10A reserved powers.

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I am going to go out on a limb that is three inches off the ground here, and predict that nothing will happen, no one will be held accountable, because the reason they didn't follow protocol and wear cameras was because they had clearance to not wear them.


The message is, "See all you second amendment Americans, we have power that can't be touched by you so take note, you could be next, The Truth is what we say it is."

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Those agents who hadn’t film the murder probably got at least four demerits!

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