I think the DOJ got to Mr. Griffin with the “We’ll plant kiddie porn on your computer to destroy your, and your families life if you don’t stop and shut up!” That is what they threaten to plant on Sheryl Atkins husband’s computer if she didn’t stop her investigation into a different corrupt alphabet agency!

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It's a real threat.

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It's as predictable as the suicide trope with Clinton enemies.

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I don't think it was a coincidence that this raid happened shortly before the announcement of the "in the business" rule considering what came out in the warrant. The ATF was certainly trying to use this as part of their dog and pony show, except that it went terribly wrong. If it can be proven that this was in any way tied to the rule announcement, it would make the political motivations behind the thing even more damning and expose massive malfeasance by agency officials. Imagine the headlines: Man Killed to Justify ATF Rulemaking.

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We've been speculating about the timing too. No better poster boy for their new BS rule than a prominent executive getting carted off in cuffs, but as you pointed out. It all went horribly wrong.

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The ATF and it’s BOOTJACK SWAT TEAMS are murders and will continue to get away with this style of overreach and aggression unless they are held accountable. They are just modern era SCHUTZSTAFFEL and do no more to protect than was done in the 30s and 40s. The only thing they are missing is BLACK UNIFORMS.

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Five years ago I would have thought that Shutzstaffel was a bit much. Unfortunately, nowadays it's an accurate description of ATF agents.

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Five years ago I used that title for said agency. I thought it as appropriate then as now, with a bit of “nefarious” too.

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In their headlong rush to grab more power and control their actions, methods and tactics are following the same plan only their "PARTY NAMES" and the faces of their leaders have changed.

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Si vis pacem para bellum

The Rube Politicians are Useless Apparachiks.

Conduct yourselves accordingly.

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Getting that “They’re coming for us all” feeling.

Abolish the ATF.

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They are coming for us all ...

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I suggest when the Arkansas AG runs for re-election, his name should be redacted by the citizens from his campaign posters just as his answers to Mr Williams' questions were basically redacted. Is this a real AG or is he in on this travesty?

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I wonder too, Roger.

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We have officially reached the point where 'minding our own business' means nothing to these agents of chaos. Living our lives and waiting for it to come to our own front door has already passed and most still don't even know it. I've been the recipient of a personal visit at home and work from feds regarding my online comments on social media. I'm fortunate that it was done in a safer manner than this ATF murder, but I know it's only a matter of time until I get the same treatment. If nothing changes, we're all going to die in a small firefight at our own homes and it won't matter if we have a support system in place...they will just jam all our comms like the highly funded and equipped criminals attacking farmers in South Africa. I have a secret weapon, though...Christ Jesus! These evil people have no power over him, and, "I cannot be threatened with Heaven."

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I would take bets he was threatened with arrest. Impeding an investigation. This is why all of us or at least the ones at risk should harden doors and windows so access is only gained by consent after realizing what is happening. Yes, bunkers sound better all the time.

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Great advice!

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Abolish the ATF.

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A M E N !!

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Arkansas AG-- Bribed or Blackmailed? Let's face it, PATRIOTS, we no longer live in the republic known as the USA. We no longer live free under the Constitution and Bill of Rights. We live under the tyranny of an out of control cabal of evil.

The next move is ours. We have the numbers and firearms. This is the classic example of the Founding Fathers' wisdom that demanded the inclusion of the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights.

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This story is very spooky. First the Arkansas AG was pumped up to go after the feds, but now he has gone into hiding.

The answers he provided on the sheet of paper were akin to the old shoulder shrug of 'I don't know'. Man, you're the Attorney General. You should have the answers. And if you can't prosecute a fed for a crime, then why in the hell were you stoking up the 'I'll get 'em' flames?

Was he all puffed up and blowing smoke to look tough or was he threatened with the usual tactics, i.e., we know where you live and where your kids go to school threat?

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We need to start calling this the Johnson Effect.

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Maybe Mike Vanderboegh should be raised from the dead. I'm amazed ATF or FBI didn't terminate him

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Lee writes on the black box up to the minute real issues for all decent folk who generically are law abiding but always know all self defense rights including that pariahed term.."gun rights "are not priveledges you pay for and pay to maintain from the overarching intrusive Allmighty state...but from God. The present scenario in scorched earth fallen America resembles the Weimar republic up to 1938... dont tolerate neoliberal communitarian learned helplessness..or..communist brainwashing. Fact is the FBI and ATF are the modern equivalent of the stasi,uddban,KGB and by now most Americans know that. Murder by any other name... domestic terror inforcers......***think ghost guns...why not?...Only a demon possesed fool thinks only government and police ...mostly freemason cops..should have Guns.*. Rearm Now *Seek tactical firearms extra instruction.*Choose Freedom...not WeF Blackrock globohomosexual cyborg dystopia.*God bless the

2 A community. *

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You missed your chance at Little Rock, and since, including now.

Sell the guns, you made a mistake.

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Elected officials



Gun owners





Sell the guns you cannot use them. The ATF on the other hand can… because they did.

Who Dares Wins.

This is how it’s gonna be.

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Time for war!!!

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