The Biden 'admin' is treating citizens as criminals. From their application of this 'search' warrant, that's left without question. For far too long the people have been putting up with this and our state and local governments have been pretty much inactive. It's good that some are finally starting to respond. I hope the response is successful.

When people who aren't criminals are treated as criminals, they take longer to respond than actual criminals. There are many reasons for that delay, mostly related to the people trying to believe the governments they have been supporting aren't actually treating the people like criminals. That veil is being lifted rapidly, and fully.

The governments the people have supported are failing us. They're failing dramatically and beyond the need to look for proof any longer. When they treat the people as criminals some of the people will begin to act like criminals. With one major difference. People who choose to be criminals usually do so out of ignorance and just being a dimwit. People who are coerced into acting like criminals against their will are usually among the best and brightest.

Federal law enforcement agencies have a great deal of difficulty enforcing the laws and apprehending the criminals that are mainly dimwits. They've been proving that for years. Just imagine the difficulty when they make the other people believe they need to act in ways that are not unlike criminals. Basically, if you're treated like a criminal - might as well act like one.

Those other people though, some of whom have high 3 digit IQs, some of the best training available in the world and the need to protect their families - won't present the same difficulty as the others.

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So true. Every gun owner is a criminal in their eyes.

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Obviously, there is a need to put a muzzle or choke chain with a short lease on these

GESTAPO-RIIZED gung-ho cowboys at every level. To begin with, they should have to

explain why a swat team is required to serve a warrant. And if the raid is to be done

late at night or in the wee hours of the morning, they should have to justify it with a

detailed comprehensive explanation in the warrant as to why the alternatives pointed

out in your earlier article are not suitable.

Lee, have a good day!!!!!!!!!!

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Thanks, John.

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According to the affidavit, they were only supposed to be serving a search warrant, not an arrest warrant. There is nothing to suggest that man would react violently to a simple knock on his front door. Even if he were the most violent of felons, they could've just swarmed him in the parking lot at work. I mean, he parked in the same assigned spot every day. This is exponentially safer for the agents, for the suspect, and anyone else that happened to be in the vicinity. Take him when you have eyes on him. You don't kick in a door where he's holed up when you know he is armed, right? It will be very interesting indeed to see what's on that body cam footage.

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Thanks for keeping this story alive!

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Thanks for reading, Arthur.

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It’s about damn time! It’s a shame what happened to him. Lawfare is running rampant..

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It is no surprise that the criminal government enterprise known as the ATF continues to avoid answering questions regarding this raid (sending a highly armed SWAT team is not a run of the mill interrogation, it is a raid). This is par for the course for federal agencies, which believe that the US Constitution and Bill of Rights do not apply to them. These organizations are under the control of the illegitimate President, who seeks to destroy our country. Until the ATF (and similar agencies)is abolished (best solution) or brought under control, these type of incidents will continue and the pace will continue to accelerate. Do not comply-- compliance is acceptance. Contact you legislators and demand that the ATF be abolished or defunded. Remember, informed voting in elections is your obligation and duty. Your liberty and rights, even your life, depends on who you put into office.

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I've got a good Attorney General in Tim.

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