Apr 2Liked by Lee Williams

Thank you Lee for clearing the fog and helping to show them for what they are. I wish we had more transparency like this on more topics, but I think that is what our adversaries want. What is the saying If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit. That is what they are trying.

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Apr 2Liked by Lee Williams

These organizations are basically stalking and doxing these women. I hope their legal actions don't fall on deaf ears.

This could be very dangerous for them. You can never tell what kind of wacko will 'understand' the coded messages this organization has distributed and take action to harm the ladies that were 'targeted' by 97 Percent.

It's not much different than the instructions given by Maxine Waters, but with more innuendo.

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Thank you for bringing this to light.

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