I completely agree. I was taught since I was 7-years-old that all firearms should be considered loaded until you prove to yourself that it's not. It's no one else's fault but the one whose finger is on the trigger.

My heartfelt sympathy to the families of the victims.

I'm rather surprised that the MSM hasn't pinned the blame on the firearm. What's that all about?!?

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Everyone in the chain including Baldwin is to blame for this. If all procedures were followed it would have been caught at one of at least from what I can tell 5 different people.

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The words from the cameraman don't describe someone who "was safe and responsible with firearms".

Rather it was someone who had an unhealthy fear of them and no respect for what those tools are capable of.

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When you go so far left there's no return. Alec Baldwin in a nutshell. Literally suffering from the worst retweet in history when he made a comment about an officer drawing his weapon in defense and wondering “what it must feel like to kill someone”…something like that..in 2017. What a moron. Innocent person paid the price from this guys arrogance and lack of gun safety after acting for 40 years. Should know better. Hope he gets with involuntary manslaughter. Sorry, don’t like the dude.

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