Who is taking the lead here? What is ms. Hammer doing exactly? I have given a ton of money to the NRA (I am a benefactor member) and when it comes to basic blocking and tackling they are disturbingly silent. This is something they should be all over in Florida.
Ed. Did you get this email okay? Substack had an outage yesterday, and it is still a bit wonky. I want to make sure it's all good on the reader's end. Please let me know. thanks.
Ed, I've given up on the NRA. They have been silent for months. I joined Gun Owners of America (GOA) last Fall. Any time 2A legislation comes up, they immediately send a heads-up email to members, detailing what's going on and providing a link to send an email to your representatives.
I love my state but if such legislation becomes law in Texas, I may have to trade in my flip flops for boots and spurs. I'll give the sunshine state time to make an educated decision.
Let me point out that current events are getting ahead of us. We are in a crisis, it is not "coming" we are in it. We need to demand that organizations that gleefully take our money (including the Republican Party) do something and the something is to get a Sanctuary Bill passed.
Who is taking the lead here? What is ms. Hammer doing exactly? I have given a ton of money to the NRA (I am a benefactor member) and when it comes to basic blocking and tackling they are disturbingly silent. This is something they should be all over in Florida.
Ed. Did you get this email okay? Substack had an outage yesterday, and it is still a bit wonky. I want to make sure it's all good on the reader's end. Please let me know. thanks.
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Ed, I've given up on the NRA. They have been silent for months. I joined Gun Owners of America (GOA) last Fall. Any time 2A legislation comes up, they immediately send a heads-up email to members, detailing what's going on and providing a link to send an email to your representatives.
I became a life member of GOA recently for that reason.
I didn't know about this organization. I'll look into it. Thank you
I love my state but if such legislation becomes law in Texas, I may have to trade in my flip flops for boots and spurs. I'll give the sunshine state time to make an educated decision.
Let me point out that current events are getting ahead of us. We are in a crisis, it is not "coming" we are in it. We need to demand that organizations that gleefully take our money (including the Republican Party) do something and the something is to get a Sanctuary Bill passed.